Development of Intelligent Information Display System for Hybrid Vehicle 混合动力汽车智能信息显示系统开发
We successfully apply it on a simple pattern recognition problem and exhibit the potential of the artificial immune system on the intelligent information retrieval system. 最后展望了将人工免疫系统这一新的机器学习机制应用到智能化信息检索系统中的前景。
Research on Semantic Intelligent Information Retrieval System Based on the Ontology 本体驱动的语义智能检索系统的研究
Research on a Number of Technical in Urban Road Tunnel Intelligent Monitoring Information System& Drainage System 城市公路隧道智能监控信息系统中若干技术的研究&排水系统
Constructing intelligent advisory information system for bamboo's afforestation can provide information service for bamboo's reforestation. 构建竹林造林智能信息咨询系统可以为竹林造林工作提供信息咨询。
CORBA based Intelligent management information system of the electricity bureau 基于CORBA技术的电业局智能管理信息系统
Research and Implement of An Intelligent Information Acquisition System 一种智能化的信息采集系统的研究与实现
Web Intelligent Information Retrieval System Based on Ontology 基于本体的Web智能信息检索系统
Implementation of a High Quality Intelligent Information Retrieval System on the Web 网上高质量智能信息检索系统的实现
Intelligent Information Decision System ( IIDS) for common infectious diseases is the application of computer science in the field of medical care. 常见传染病防治智能化信息决策系统是把专家系统知识应用于医疗领域的一项计算机技术。
Intelligent Information System General Framework of Special Railway for Passenger Transport 铁路客运专线智能信息系统总体方案研究
The new concept of optoelectronic intelligent information processing system technique is proposed and technical characteristics are analyzed. 提出了光电子智能信息处理系统技术新概念,并分析了它的技术特性;
To improve the real-time performance and practicability of the systems and to serve better for the urban seismic hazard mitigation, the research on intelligent calculation of earthquake disaster should be enhanced and the GIS based intelligent information system for urban seismic hazard mitigation should be developed. 为了增强城市防震减灾信息系统的时效性和实用性,更好地服务于城市防震减灾,必须加强对地震灾害智能计算的研究,开发出基于GIS的城市防震减灾信息管理与智能分析系统。
The purpose of this paper is to develop an intelligent information system for community based on PDA; the system integrates the embedded calculation, mobile computing and GIS technology. 本论文的研究的目的是,基于嵌入式计算,移动计算和GIS技术,采用个人数字助理(PDA),研发智能小区信息系统。
The establishment of an intelligent information system design environment 智能化信息系统总体设计环境的建立
A fuzzy intelligent information system based on the concepts of a fuzzy relational database and fuzzy inference rules is presented in this paper. 本文介绍了一个基于模糊关系数据库及模糊推理规则概念的原型模糊信息系统,该原型系统可对非精确数据以及知识描述中的不确定性进行有效的处理。
For solving these problems, this paper introduces the design and implementation of an intelligent Web information system. 为了解决这些问题,介绍了一个智能化的Web信息服务系统的设计及其实现,它能够使用户更好地获得并使用信息。
And this paper address on designing and implementing CWME artificial society in the view of intelligent information system. 本篇文章侧重于工作的第二部分,从智能系统的角度设计综合集成研讨厅人工社会。
The paper puts the emphases on the basic principle, function and model of knowledge acquisition. By analyzing a typical example, the paper presents the advantage of the intelligent information system which adopted the latest technologies. 本论文重点探讨了基于机器学习的知识获取的基本原理、功能与模型,最后,通过典型实例的分析,来说明采用最新知识获取技术的智能信息系统的优越性。
Lastly, the design goal and architecture of the DTV-oriented intelligent information service system are put forward. 提出了面向数字电视的智能化信息服务系统的设计目标和体系结构。
Study on the Safety Assessment Based on Three Dimensional Intelligent Information System in Slope Engineering 边坡安全性评估的三维智能信息系统研究
A fuzzy intelligent information system model is posed with the goal to simulate human information processing. 本文提出的模糊智能信息系统模型旨在将人类进行信息处理的过程加以模型化。
It has been widely accepted that one of the most important characters of intelligent information system is reconstruction. 可重构性是智能化信息系统的基本特性,已受到人们的广泛重视。
Developed from traditional MIS, IDSS is an intelligent information system to help people make decisions, an inevitable trend of the development of database technology and practical information system. IDSS是在传统的管理信息系统基础上辅助用户做出决策的智能信息系统,是数据库技术和实用信息系统发展的必然趋势。
Secondly, the paper studies the key ontology technology used in intelligent information retrieval system. 其次,对应用到智能检索系统的本体论中的关键技术进行了研究。
ICP-AES intelligent information system based on Microcomputer 微机电感耦合等离子体发射光谱分析智能信息系统
The workflow system is an intelligent information system. 工作流系统是一种智能化的信息系统。
The subject of the intelligent information system model designed to meet the primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, the actual demand. 本课题所设计的智能信息系统模式,可以满足中小学、大专院校的实际需求。
The platform includes video supervising system of quality and safety of vegetables and intelligent information management system. 该平台包括蔬菜质量安全视频监管系统和智能信息管理系统两大部分。
Wireless sensor network is a intelligent information system which integrates information collection, information transmission, information process, it can be widely used in military, environment, healthcare, manufacturing and other important fields. 无线传感器网络(WSN)是一个综合的智能信息系统,它集合了信息采集、传输和处理,可以被广泛应用于军事、环境、医疗、工业等多个重要领域。